Monday, December 26, 2011

Email 26 Dec 2011

Cool! Stuff! This call was wierd becuase it wasn´t that hard to hang up cause I´ll be seeing you all in basically a month! It was my comps first call home! He said he felt wierd afterwards! And I called my kid and he said it was really wierd, he did Skype and his girlfriend was there! I think he was more trunky than me! HA! The fireworks were cool because they were all around us, there aren´t illegal fireworks so everyone buys all the big ones and launches them all at midnight Christmas eve! Sweet stuff! So, I figure I have to start making some return missionary resumes for all the girls back home, they can start filling them out and we´ll see which ones are future prospects! HAHA! The rest of Christmas was fun... we finished the area book basically! It´s a thousand times better... and we basically chilled the rest of the night chatting about our calls and stuff... that´s about it! But today we ate at a breakfast buffet! not that crazy, simple stuff, but still good, and we watched KUNG FU PANDA 2!!!! It´s a pretty good one, I really enjoyed it! I feel like I want to karate chop someone!..... with the Spirit of course! Well.. there´s not much to tell.... we already chatted yesterday! The photos, there´s some fireworks!, us chilling on the roof watching them, uhhh.... me with mine and Elder Rodriguez! and us eating some tacos! YAY! Christmas tacos! Well... that´s really about it... I can´t think of anything else..... we´ll let ya know next week how the New Years celebration goes! we get to stay out late again, just not sure what we´re doing! Probably more fireworks! Luv ya tons! I hope all is well! Chau por ahora! Feliz Año Nuevo!!!!

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